Clinical Lecturer

Clinical research
Career Stage:
Early-mid career
£38,000 – 45,000


Key skills:

  • A Higher Degree (PhD/DPhil/MD) in a relevant field
  • GMC (General Medical Council) registration
  • Established record of research
  • Ongoing clinical practice with strong commitment to patient care
  • Undergraduate or Postgraduate teaching experience
  • Ability to work efficiently in a multidisciplinary team

Typical job titles: Clinical Lecturer, Clinical Scientist, Clinical Teaching Fellow, Clinical Researcher, Clinical Research Fellow

Clinical Lecturers and Clinical Scientists are healthcare professionals who continue their clinical practice while also developing as researchers.

The Clinical Lectureship is an award scheme funded by Health Education England or the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) within their Clinical Academic Pathway and Integrated Academic Training Programmes, respectively. These are aimed at various types of health professional who wish to undertake postdoctoral research. The schemes allow the health professional to do this while continuing to be employed as a clinician. Once the scheme is completed, participants may remain in clinical practice if they choose.

In addition to Clinical Lectureships, Clinician Scientist awards provide similar positions through the NIHR scheme. Other forms of clinical researcher are similar, but may be funded in a different way and are not part of these specific frameworks.

These positions are essentially the equivalent of a Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Fellow role within the research pathway, for those who wish to continue to be a medical or health professional rather than working purely in research.

Paz (Upasana) Tayal

Clinical Senior Lecturer and Consultant Cardiologist

Imperial College London
Previous Job Title:
Associate Professor

Paz is an Academic Clinical Lecturer at the National Heart and Lung Institute, based at the Cardiovascular Research Centre at the Royal Brompton Campus. She is also a senior cardiology registrar (clinical doctor) in inherited cardiac conditions and cardiac imaging in London.

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