LGBTQ+ scientists

There are growing efforts to tackle the underrepresentation of LGBTQ+ people within STEM, and the discrimination that they may face within STEM careers.

Community and visibility form the basis of the approach to inclusivity for many networks and organisations, creating spaces that allow LGBTQ+ STEM professionals or students to come together and share their experiences, celebrating and platforming LGBTQ+ scientists working across a huge variety of different fields, and drawing attention to the issues and barriers faced by LGBTQ+ people pursuing STEM careers.

Dr Clara Barker

Case study

Luke Boulter

Associate Professor

Teaching and research
Career Stage:
Late-mid career
University of Edinburgh
Previous Job Title:
Research Fellow

In 2015, Luke Boulter – a molecular biologist at the University of Edinburgh – and his husband adopted two children: siblings aged four and six. Luke says it’s something you can never fully prepare for.

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