Women in STEM

Efforts to support the progression of women in STEM have been underway for many years, recognising that women remain under-represented in the majority of STEM careers.

Many networks and organisations work to address this underrepresentation of women, and to ensure that the issue remains part of the discussion, understanding that although improvements have been made, there are many issues that still need to be addressed. One of the main areas of focus for these groups is helping women find opportunities within STEM, be that through mentoring schemes, careers events, and job listings.

Professor Sneha Malde

Case study

Faith Osier

Research Professor

Career Stage:
Late career
Imperial College London
Previous Job Title:
Group Leader

With three children, and three research groups across three continents, Professor Faith Osier’s life is as frenetic as you’d expect. Over two decades her career has shuttled between Kenya, the UK, Australia and Germany, all in her quest to develop effective vaccines against malaria.

Read Case Study